Source code for pibootctl.parser

# Copyright (c) 2020 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2019, 2020 Dave Jones <>
# This file is part of pibootctl.
# pibootctl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pibootctl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pibootctl.  If not, see <>.

The :mod:`pibootctl.parser` module provides the :class:`BootParser` class for
parsing the boot configuration of the Raspberry Pi.

The output of this class consists of derivatives of :class:`BootLine`
(:class:`BootSection`, :class:`BootCommand`, etc.) and :class:`BootFile`
instances, which in turn reference :class:`BootConditions` instances to
indicate the context in which they were found.

.. autoclass:: BootParser

.. autoclass:: BootLine

.. autoclass:: BootSection

.. autoclass:: BootCommand

.. autoclass:: BootInclude

.. autoclass:: BootFile

.. autoclass:: BootConditions

import io
import os
import hashlib
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo
from datetime import datetime
from collections import namedtuple

from .info import get_board_types, get_board_serial

def coalesce(*values, default=None):
    for value in values:
        if value is not None:
            return value
    return default

class BootInvalid(Warning):
    "Raised when an invalid line is encountered"

[docs]class BootLine: """ Represents a line in a boot configuration. This is effectively an abstract base class and should never appear in output itself. Provides four attributes: .. attribute:: filename A :class:`str` indicating the path (relative to the configuration's root) of the file containing the line. .. attribute:: linenum The 1-based line number of the line. .. attribute:: conditions A :class:`BootConditions` specifying the filters in effect for this configuration line. .. attribute:: comment Any comment that appears after other content on the line, or :data:`None` if no comment was present """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, comment=None): self.filename = filename self.linenum = linenum self.conditions = conditions self.comment = comment def compare(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BootLine): raise ValueError('other is not a BootLine') result = set() if self.filename == other.filename and self.linenum == other.linenum: result.add('location') if self.conditions == other.conditions: result.add('conditions') if self.comment == other.comment: result.add('comment') return result def __eq__(self, other): try: return == { 'location', 'conditions', 'comment', 'key', 'value'} except ValueError: return NotImplemented
class BootComment(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` for lines consisting purely of ``# comments`` in a boot configuration. """ def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootComment): result |= {'key', 'value'} return result def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootComment(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'comment={self.comment!r})'.format(self=self))
[docs]class BootSection(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` for ``[conditional sections]`` in a boot configuration. Adds a single attribute: .. attribute:: section The criteria of the section (everything between the square brackets). .. note:: The :attr:`conditions` for a :class:`BootSection` instance *includes* the filters defined by that section. """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, section, comment=None): super().__init__(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) self.section = section def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootSection): result.add('key') if self.section == other.section: result.add('value') return result def __str__(self): return '[{self.section}]'.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootSection(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'section={self.section!r})'.format(self=self))
[docs]class BootCommand(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` which represents a command in a boot configuration, e.g. "disable_overscan=1". Adds several attributes: .. attribute:: command The title of the command; characters before the first "=" in the line. .. attribute:: params The value of the command; characters after the first "=" in the line. As a special case, the "initramfs" command has two values and thus if :attr:`command` is "initramfs" then this attribute will be a 2-tuple. .. attribute:: hdmi The HDMI display that the command applies to. This is usually :data:`None` unless the command has an explicit hdmi suffix (":" separated after the :attr:`command` title but before the "="), or the command appears in an [HDMI:1] section. """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, command, params, hdmi=None, comment=None): super().__init__(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) self.command = command self.params = params self.hdmi = hdmi def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootCommand): if self.command == other.command and \ coalesce(self.hdmi, other.hdmi, 0) == \ coalesce(other.hdmi, self.hdmi, 0): result.add('key') if self.params == other.params: result.add('value') return result def __str__(self): if self.command == 'initramfs': template = '{self.command} {self.params[0]} {self.params[1]}' elif not self.hdmi: template = '{self.command}={self.params}' else: template = '{self.command}:{self.hdmi}={self.params}' return template.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootCommand(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'command={self.command!r}, params={self.params!r}, ' 'hdmi={self.hdmi!r})'.format(self=self))
[docs]class BootInclude(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` representing an "include" command in a boot configuration. Adds a single attribute: .. attribute:: include The name of the file to be included. """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, include, comment=None): super().__init__(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) self.include = include def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootInclude): result.add('key') if self.include == other.include: result.add('value') return result def __str__(self): return 'include {self.include}'.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootInclude(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'include={self.include!r})'.format(self=self))
class BootOverlay(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` representing a device-tree overlay ("dtoverlay=") command in a boot configuration. Adds a single attribute: .. attribute:: overlay The name of the device-tree overlay to load. """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, comment=None): super().__init__(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) self.overlay = overlay def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootOverlay): result.add('key') if self.overlay == other.overlay: result.add('value') return result def __str__(self): return 'dtoverlay={self.overlay}'.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootOverlay(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'overlay={self.overlay!r})'.format(self=self)) class BootParam(BootLine): """ A derivative of :class:`BootLine` representing a parameter to a loaded device-tree overlay ("dtparam=") command in a boot configuration. Adds several attributes: .. attribute:: overlay The device-tree overlay that the parameter applies to. .. attribute:: param The name of the parameter affected by the command. .. attribute:: value The new value to assign to the overlay parameter. """ def __init__(self, filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, param, value, comment=None): super().__init__(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) self.overlay = overlay self.param = param self.value = value def compare(self, other): result = super().compare(other) if isinstance(other, BootParam): if self.overlay == other.overlay and self.param == other.param: result.add('key') if self.value == other.value: result.add('value') return result def __str__(self): return 'dtparam={self.param}={self.value}'.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return ( 'BootParam(filename={self.filename!r}, linenum={self.linenum!r}, ' 'overlay={self.overlay!r}, param={self.param!r}, ' 'value={self.value!r})'.format(self=self))
[docs]class BootConditions(namedtuple('BootConditions', ( 'pi', 'hdmi', 'edid', 'serial', 'gpio', 'none', 'suppress_count' ))): """ Represents the set of conditional filters that apply to a given :class:`BootLine`. The class implements methods necessary to compare instances as if they were sets. For example:: >>> cond_all = BootConditions() >>> cond_pi3 = BootConditions(pi='pi3') >>> cond_pi3p = BootConditions(pi='pi3p') >>> cond_serial = BootConditions(pi='pi3', serial=0x12345678) >>> cond_all == cond_pi3 False >>> cond_all >= cond_pi3 True >>> cond_pi3 > cond_pi3p True >>> cond_serial < cond_pi3 True >>> cond_serial < cond_pi3p False .. attribute:: pi The model of pi that the section applies to. See `conditional filters`_ for details of valid values. This represents sections like ``[pi3]``. .. attribute:: hdmi The index of the HDMI port (0 or 1) that settings within this section will apply to, if no index-suffix is provided by the setting itself. This represents sections like ``[HDMI:0]``. .. attribute:: edid The EDID of the display that the section applies to. This represents sections like ``[EDID=VSC-TD2220]``. .. attribute:: serial The serial number of the Pi that settings within this section will apply to, stored as an :class:`int`. This represents sections like ``[0x12345678]``. .. attribute:: gpio The GPIO number and state that must be matched for settings in this section to apply, stored as a (gpio, state) tuple. This represents sections like ``[gpio2=0]``. .. attribute:: none If this is :data:`True` then a ``[none]`` section has been encountered and no settings apply. .. attribute:: suppress_count This is a "suppression count" used to track sections within included files that are currently disabled (because the include occurred within a section that itself is disabled). .. _conditional filters: """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, pi=None, hdmi=None, edid=None, serial=None, gpio=None, none=False, suppress_count=0): return super().__new__( cls, pi, hdmi, edid, serial, gpio, none, suppress_count) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BootConditions): return NotImplemented return ( self.pi == other.pi and self.hdmi == other.hdmi and self.edid == other.edid and self.serial == other.serial and self.gpio == other.gpio and self.none == other.none # NOTE: suppress_count is deliberately excluded here; it is nothing # to do with the conditional filters themselves but is an artefact # of their effect on includes ) def __le__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BootConditions): return NotImplemented return ( (self.pi == other.pi or other.pi is None or (self.pi, other.pi) in { ('pi3+', 'pi3'), ('pi0w', 'pi0'), }) and (self.hdmi == other.hdmi or other.hdmi is None) and (self.edid == other.edid or other.edid is None) and (self.serial == other.serial or other.serial is None) and (self.gpio == other.gpio or other.gpio is None) and (self.none == other.none or not other.none) # See note above regarding suppress_count ) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __ge__(self, other): return not (self < other) def __lt__(self, other): return (self <= other) and (self != other) def __gt__(self, other): return (self >= other) and (self != other)
[docs] def evaluate(self, section): """ Calculates a new conditional state (based upon the current conditional state) from the specified *section* criteria. Returns a new :class:`BootConditions` instance. """ # Derived from information at [COND] if section == 'all': return self._replace(pi=None, hdmi=None, edid=None, serial=None, gpio=None, none=False) elif section == 'none': return self._replace(none=True) elif section.startswith('HDMI:'): try: return self._replace(hdmi={ 'HDMI:0': 0, 'HDMI:1': 1, }[section]) except KeyError: # Ignore invalid filters (as the bootloader does) return self elif section.startswith('EDID='): return self._replace(edid=section[len('EDID='):]) elif section.startswith('gpio'): s = section[len('gpio'):] gpio, value = s.split('=', 1) try: gpio = int(gpio) value = bool(int(value)) except ValueError: return self else: return self._replace(gpio=(gpio, value)) elif section.startswith('0x'): try: return self._replace(serial=int(section, base=16)) except ValueError: return self elif section.startswith('pi'): if section in {'pi0', 'pi0w', 'pi1', 'pi2', 'pi3', 'pi3+', 'pi4'}: return self._replace(pi=section) else: return self else: warnings.warn( BootInvalid('unrecognized conditional: {}'.format(section))) return self assert False, 'invalid evaluate state'
[docs] def generate(self, context=None): """ Given *context*, a :class:`BootConditions` instance representing the currently active conditional sections, this method yields the conditional secitons required to set the conditions to this instance. If *context* is not specified, it defaults to conditions equivalent to ``[any]``, which is the default in the Pi bootloader. For example:: >>> current = BootConditions(pi='pi2', gpio=(4, True)) >>> wanted = BootConditions() >>> print('\\n'.join(wanted.generate(current))) [all] >>> wanted = BootConditions(pi='pi4') >>> print('\\n'.join(wanted.generate(current))) [all] [pi4] >>> current = BootConditions(pi='pi2') >>> print('\\n'.join(wanted.generate(current))) [pi4] >>> current = BootConditions(none=True) >>> print('\\n'.join(wanted.generate(current))) [all] [pi3] .. note:: The yielded strings do *not* end with a line terminator. """ if context is None: context = BootConditions() # If we have to "undo" any conditionals (because the context conditions # limit gpio, for example but our conditions don't) then reset # everything with [all] if context.none or any( old is not None and new is None for old, new in zip(context[:-2], self[:-2])): yield '[all]' if self.pi is not None: yield '[{self.pi}]'.format(self=self) if self.hdmi is not None: yield '[HDMI:{self.hdmi}]'.format(self=self) if self.edid is not None: yield '[EDID={self.edid}]'.format(self=self) if self.serial is not None: yield '[0x{self.serial:X}]'.format(self=self) if self.gpio is not None: yield '[gpio{self.gpio[0]:d}={self.gpio[1]:d}]'.format(self=self)
[docs] def suppress(self): """ If the current boot conditions are not :attr:`enabled`, returns a new :class:`BootConditions` instance with the suppression count incremented by one. This is used during parsing to disable all conditionals in suppressed includes. """ if not self.enabled: return self._replace(suppress_count=self.suppress_count + 1) else: return self
@property def enabled(self): """ Returns :data:`True` if parsed items are currently effective. If this is :data:`False`, parsed items are ignored. """ return ( # Cannot currently assess HDMI, EDID, or GPIO criteria not self.none and (self.pi is None or self.pi in get_board_types()) and (self.serial is None or self.serial == get_board_serial()) and (self.suppress_count == 0) )
[docs]class BootFile(namedtuple('Content', ( 'filename', 'timestamp', 'content', 'encoding', 'errors' ))): """ Represents a file in a boot configuration. .. attribute:: filename A :class:`str` representing the file's path relative to the boot configuration's container (whatever that may be: a path, a zip archive, etc.) .. attribute:: timestamp A :class:`~datetime.datetime` containing the last modification timestamp of the file. .. note:: This is rounded down to a 2-second precision as that is all that `PKZIP`_ archives support. .. attribute:: content A :class:`bytes` string containing the complete content of the file. .. attribute:: encoding :data:`None` if the file is a binary file. Otherwise, specifies the name of the character encoding to be used when reading the file. .. attribute:: errors :data:`None` if the file is a binary file. Otherwise, specifies the character replacement strategy to be used with erroneous characters encountered when reading the file. .. _PKZIP: """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, filename, timestamp, content, encoding=None, errors=None): # Adjust timestamps down to 2-second precision (all that's supported in # the PKZIP format), and to a minimum of 1980. This is to support those # scenarios (e.g. no network) in which a pi has de-synced clock and # winds up with files in 1970 (prior to the date PKZIP supports). return super().__new__( cls, filename, timestamp.replace( year=max(1980, timestamp.year), second=timestamp.second // 2 * 2, microsecond=0), content, encoding, errors) @classmethod def empty(cls, filename, encoding=None, errors=None): """ Class method for constructing an apparently empty :class:`BootFile`. """ return cls(filename, datetime(1970, 1, 1), b'', encoding, errors) def lines(self): """ Generator method which returns lines of text from the file using the associated :attr:`encoding` and :attr:`errors`. """ yield from io.TextIOWrapper( io.BytesIO(self.content), encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors) def add_to_zip(self, arc): """ Adds this :class:`BootFile` to the specified *arc* (which must be a :class:`~zipfile.ZipFile` instance), using the stored filename and last modification timestamp. """ info = ZipInfo(str(self.filename), ( self.timestamp.year, self.timestamp.month,, self.timestamp.hour, self.timestamp.minute, self.timestamp.second)) arc.writestr(info, self.content)
[docs]class BootParser: """ Parser for the files used to configure the Raspberry Pi's bootloader. The *path* specifies the container of all files that make up the configuration. It be one of: * a :class:`str` or a :class:`~pathlib.Path` in which case the path specified must be a directory * a :class:`~zipfile.ZipFile` * a :class:`dict` mapping filenames to :class:`BootFile` instances; effectively the output of :attr:`files` after parsing """ def __init__(self, path): if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) assert isinstance(path, (Path, ZipFile, dict)) if isinstance(path, Path): assert path.is_dir() self._path = path self._files = {} self._hash = None self._config = None self._timestamp = None @property def path(self): """ The path under which all configuration files can be found. This may be a :class:`~pathlib.Path` instance, or a :class:`~zipfile.ZipFile`, or a :class:`dict`. """ return self._path @property def config(self): """ The parsed configuration; a sequence of :class:`BootLine` instances (or derivatives of :class:`BootLine`), after :meth:`parse` has been successfully called. """ return self._config @property def files(self): """ The content of all parsed files; a mapping of filename to :class:`BootFile` objects. """ return self._files @property def hash(self): """ After :meth:`parse` is successfully called, this is the SHA1 hash of the complete configuration in parsed order (i.e. starting at "config.txt" and proceeding through all included files). """ return self._hash.hexdigest().lower() @property def timestamp(self): """ The latest modified timestamp on all files that were read as a result of calling :meth:`parse`. """ return self._timestamp
[docs] def parse(self, filename="config.txt"): """ Parse the boot configuration on :attr:`path`. The optional *filename* specifies the "root" of the configuration, and defaults to :file:`config.txt`. If parsing is successful, this will update the :attr:`files`, :attr:`hash`, :attr:`timestamp`, and :attr:`config` attributes. """ self._files.clear() self._hash = hashlib.sha1() self._timestamp = datetime(1970, 1, 1) # UNIX epoch self._config = list(self._parse(filename))
[docs] def add(self, filename, encoding=None, errors=None): """ Adds the auxilliary *filename* under :attr:`path` to the configuration. This is used to update the :attr:`hash` and :attr:`files` of the parsed configuration to include files which are referenced by the boot configuration but aren't themselves configuration files (e.g. EDID data, and the kernel cmdline.txt). If specified, *encoding* and *errors* are as for :func:`open`. If *encoding* is :data:`None`, the data is assumed to be binary and the method will return the content of the file as a :class:`bytes` string. Otherwise, the content of the file is assumed to be text and will be returned as a :class:`list` of :class:`str`. """ return self._open(filename, encoding, errors)
def _parse(self, filename, conditions=None): overlay = 'base' if conditions is None: conditions = BootConditions() for linenum, content, comment in self._read_text(filename): if not content: yield BootComment(filename, linenum, conditions, comment) elif content.startswith('[') and content.endswith(']'): content = content[1:-1] conditions = conditions.evaluate(content) yield BootSection( filename, linenum, conditions, content, comment=comment) elif '=' in content: cmd, value = content.split('=', 1) # We deliberately don't strip cmd or value here because the # bootloader doesn't either; whitespace on either side of # the = is significant and can invalidate lines if cmd in {'device_tree_overlay', 'dtoverlay'}: if ':' in value: overlay, params = value.split(':', 1) yield BootOverlay( filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, comment=comment) for param, value in self._parse_params(overlay, params): yield BootParam( filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, param, value, comment=comment) else: overlay = value or 'base' yield BootOverlay( filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, comment=comment) elif cmd in {'device_tree_param', 'dtparam'}: for param, value in self._parse_params(overlay, value): yield BootParam( filename, linenum, conditions, overlay, param, value, comment=comment) else: if ':' in cmd: cmd, hdmi = cmd.split(':', 1) try: hdmi = int(hdmi) except ValueError: hdmi = None else: hdmi = conditions.hdmi yield BootCommand( filename, linenum, conditions, cmd, value, hdmi=hdmi, comment=comment) elif content.startswith('include'): command, included = content.split(None, 1) yield BootInclude(filename, linenum, conditions, included) yield from self._parse(included, conditions.suppress()) elif content.startswith('initramfs'): command, initrd, address = content.split(None, 2) yield BootCommand( filename, linenum, conditions, command, (initrd, address), comment=comment) else: warnings.warn(BootInvalid( "{filename}:{linenum} invalid line".format( filename=filename, linenum=linenum))) def _parse_params(self, overlay, params): for token in params.split(','): if '=' in token: param, value = token.split('=', 1) # Again, we deliberately don't strip param or value else: param = token value = 'on' if overlay == 'base': if param in {'i2c', 'i2c_arm', 'i2c1'}: param = 'i2c_arm' elif param in {'i2c_vc', 'i2c0'}: param = 'i2c_vc' elif param == 'i2c_baudrate': param = 'i2c_arm_baudrate' yield param, value def _read_text(self, filename): for linenum, line in enumerate( self._open(filename, encoding='ascii', errors='replace').lines(), start=1): # The bootloader ignores everything beyond column 80 and # leading whitespace. The following slicing and stripping of # the string is done in a precise order to ensure that we capture # any comments fully, but ignore all non-comment chars beyond # column 80 *before* stripping leading spaces try: i = line.index('#') except ValueError: comment = None else: line, comment = line[:i], line[i + 1:].rstrip() line = line.rstrip()[:80].lstrip() if not line.strip() and comment is None: continue yield linenum, line, comment def _open(self, filename, encoding=None, errors=None): if isinstance(self.path, Path): try: with (self.path / filename).open('rb') as f: file = BootFile( filename, datetime.fromtimestamp(os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_mtime),, encoding, errors) except FileNotFoundError: file = None elif isinstance(self.path, ZipFile): try: with, 'r') as f: file = BootFile( filename, datetime(*self.path.getinfo(,, encoding, errors) except KeyError: # Yes, ZipFile raises KeyError when an archive member isn't # found... file = None elif isinstance(self.path, dict): try: file = BootFile( filename, self.path[filename].timestamp, self.path[filename].content, encoding, errors) except KeyError: file = None else: assert False, 'invalid path type' if file is None: # It is *not* an error if filename doesn't exist under path; e.g. # if config.txt doesn't exist that just means a purely default # config. Likewise, if edid.dat doesn't exist, that's normal. In # this case we return an "empty" file, but we *don't* add an entry # to files file = BootFile.empty(filename) else: self._timestamp = max(self._timestamp, file.timestamp) self._hash.update(file.content) self._files[filename] = file return file
# [COND]: #