Source code for pibootctl.main

# Copyright (c) 2020 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Dave Jones <>
# This file is part of pibootctl.
# pibootctl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# pibootctl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pibootctl.  If not, see <>.

The :mod:`pibootctl.main` module defines the :class:`Application` class, and an
instance of this called :data:`main`. Instances of :class:`Application` are
callable and thus :data:`main` is the entry-point for the :doc:`pibootctl
<manual>` script.

From an API perspective, this module is primarily useful for providing an
instance of the :class:`` class::

    from pibootctl.main import main
    from import Store, Current, Default

    store =
    store[Current] = store['foo']

.. data:: main

    The instance of :class:`Application` which is the entry-point for the
    :doc:`pibootctl <manual>` script.

.. autoclass:: Application

import io
import os
import sys
import gettext
import argparse
import configparser
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

from . import __version__
from .setting import Command
from .parser import BootConditions
from .store import Store, Current, Default
from .term import ErrorHandler, pager
from .userstr import UserStr
from .output import Output
from .info import get_board_type, get_board_serial
from .exc import InvalidConfiguration, IneffectiveConfiguration

    import argcomplete
except ImportError:
    argcomplete = None

_ = gettext.gettext

[docs]class Application: """ An instance of this class (:data:`main`) is the entry point for the application. The instance is callable, accepting the command line arguments as its single (optional) argument. The arguments will be derived from :data:`sys.argv` if not provided:: >>> from pibootctl.main import main >>> try: ... main(['-h']) ... except SystemExit: ... pass usage: [-h] [--version] {help,?,status,dump,get,set,save,load,diff,show,cat,list,ls,remove,rm,rename,mv} ... .. warning:: Calling :data:`main` will raise :exc:`SystemExit` in several cases (usually when requesting help output). It will also replace the system exception hook (:func:`sys.excepthook`). This is intended and by design. If you wish to use :doc:`pibootctl <manual>` as an API, you are better off investigating the :class:`` class, or treating :doc:`pibootctl <manual>` as a self-contained script and calling it with :mod:`subprocess`. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._args = None self._commands = None self._config = None self._parser = None self._output = None self._store = None def __call__(self, args=None): if int(os.environ.get('_ARGCOMPLETE', '0')): if argcomplete: argcomplete.autocomplete(self.parser) else: raise RuntimeError('missing argcomplete') if not int(os.environ.get('DEBUG', '0')): sys.excepthook = ErrorHandler() sys.excepthook[InvalidConfiguration] = (self.invalid_config, 3) sys.excepthook[IneffectiveConfiguration] = (self.overridden_config, 4) sys.excepthook[PermissionError] = (self.permission_error, 6) sys.excepthook[Exception] = (sys.excepthook.exc_message, 1) with pager(): self._args = self.parser.parse_args(args) self._output = Output( if 'style' in self._args else 'user') self._args.func() @property def config(self): """ Returns the script's configuration as derived from the files in the three pre-defined locations (see :doc:`pibootctl <manual>` for more information). Returns a :class:`~argparse.Namespace` containing the parsed configuration. """ if self._config is None: self._config = self._get_config() return self._config @property def parser(self): """ The parser for all the sub-commands that the script accepts. The parser's defaults are derived from the configuration obtained from :attr:`config`. Returns the newly constructed argument parser. """ if self._parser is None: self._parser, self._commands = self._get_parser() return self._parser @property def commands(self): """ A dictionary mapping command names to their sub-parser. """ if self._commands is None: self._parser, self._commands = self._get_parser() return self._commands @property def store(self): """ The :class:`` containing the current and stored boot configurations. """ if self._store is None: self._store = Store( self.config.boot_path, self.config.store_path, self.config.config_root, self.config.mutable_files, self.config.comment_lines) return self._store @staticmethod def _get_config(): parser = configparser.ConfigParser( defaults={ 'boot_path': '/boot', 'store_path': 'pibootctl', 'config_root': 'config.txt', 'mutable_files': 'config.txt', 'comment_lines': 'off', 'backup': 'on', 'package_name': 'pibootctl', 'reboot_required': '/var/run/reboot-required', 'reboot_required_pkgs': '/var/run/reboot-required.pkgs', }, empty_lines_in_values=False, default_section='defaults', delimiters=('=',), comment_prefixes=('#',), interpolation=None) read = [ '/lib/pibootctl/pibootctl.conf', '/etc/pibootctl.conf', '{xdg_config}/pibootctl.conf'.format( xdg_config=os.environ.get( 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.config'))), ], encoding='ascii') section = parser['defaults'] config = argparse.Namespace( boot_path=section['boot_path'], store_path=section['store_path'], config_root=section['config_root'], mutable_files=[ f.strip() for f in section['mutable_files'].splitlines()], backup=section.getboolean('backup'), comment_lines=section.getboolean('comment_lines'), package_name=section['package_name'], reboot_required=section['reboot_required'], reboot_required_pkgs=section['reboot_required_pkgs']) return config def _get_parser(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=_( "%(prog)s is a tool for querying and modifying the boot " "configuration of the Raspberry Pi.")) parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=__version__) parser.set_defaults(func=self.do_help) commands = parser.add_subparsers(title=_("commands")) help_cmd = commands.add_parser( "help", aliases=["?"], description=_( "With no arguments, displays the list of pibootctl " "commands. If a command name is given, displays the " "description and options for the named command. If a " "setting name is given, displays the description and " "default value for that setting."), help=_("Displays help about the specified command or setting")) help_cmd.add_argument( "cmd", metavar="command-or-setting", nargs='?', help=_( "The name of the command or setting to output help for") ).completer = self._complete_help help_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_help) dump_cmd = commands.add_parser( "status", aliases=["dump"], description=_( "Output the current value of modified boot time settings " "that match the specified pattern (or all if no pattern " "is provided)."), help=_("Output the current boot time configuration")) dump_cmd.add_argument( "vars", nargs="?", metavar="pattern", help=_( "If specified, only displays settings with names that " "match the specified pattern which may include shell " "globbing characters (e.g. *, ?, and simple [classes])") ).completer = self._complete_status dump_cmd.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help=_( "Include all settings, regardless of modification, in " "the output; by default, only settings which have been " "modified are included")) Output.add_style_arg(dump_cmd) dump_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_status) get_cmd = commands.add_parser( "get", description=_( "Query the status of one or more boot configuration " "settings. If a single setting is requested then just " "that value is output. If multiple values are requested " "then both setting names and values are output. This " "applies whether output is in the default, JSON, YAML, or " "shell-friendly styles."), help=_("Query the state of one or more boot settings")) get_cmd.add_argument( "get_vars", nargs="+", metavar="setting", help=_( "The name(s) of the setting(s) to query; if a single " "setting is given its value alone is output, if multiple " "settings are queried the names and values of the " "settings are output") ).completer = self._complete_get_vars Output.add_style_arg(get_cmd) get_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_get) set_cmd = commands.add_parser( "set", description=_( "Change the value of one or more boot configuration " "settings. To reset the value of a setting to its " "default, simply omit the new value."), help=_("Change the state of one or more boot settings")) set_cmd.add_argument( "--no-backup", action="store_false", dest="backup", help=_( "Don't take an automatic backup of the current boot " "configuration if one doesn't exist")) group = set_cmd.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument( "--all", dest="context", action="store_const", const="all", help=_( "Set the specified settings on all Pis this SD card is used " "with. This is the default context.")) group.add_argument( "--this-model", dest="context", action="store_const", const="model", help=_( "Set the specified settings for this model of Pi only.")) group.add_argument( "--this-serial", dest="context", action="store_const", const="serial", help=_( "Set the specified settings for this Pi's serial number " "only.")) # TODO Finish --this-display #group.add_argument( # "--this-display", dest="context", action="store_const", # const="edid", help=_( # "Set the specified settings for the EDID of the specified " # "monitor only.")) group = Output.add_style_arg(set_cmd, required=True) group.add_argument( "set_vars", nargs="*", metavar="name=[value]", default=[], help=_( "Specify one or more settings to change on the command " "line; to reset a setting to its default omit the value") ).completer = self._complete_set_vars set_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_set, backup=True, context="all") save_cmd = commands.add_parser( "save", description=_( "Store the current boot configuration under a given " "name."), help=_("Store the current boot configuration for later use")) save_cmd.add_argument( "name", help=_( "The name to save the current boot configuration under; " "can include any characters legal in a filename") ).completer = self._complete_save_name save_cmd.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help=_( "Overwrite an existing configuration, if one exists")) save_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_save) load_cmd = commands.add_parser( "load", description=_( "Overwrite the current boot configuration with a stored " "one."), help=_("Replace the boot configuration with a saved one")) load_cmd.add_argument( "name", help=_("The name of the boot configuration to restore") ).completer = self._complete_load_name load_cmd.add_argument( "--no-backup", action="store_false", dest="backup", help=_( "Don't take an automatic backup of the current boot " "configuration if one doesn't exist")) load_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_load) diff_cmd = commands.add_parser( "diff", description=_( "Display the settings that differ between two stored boot " "configurations, or between one stored boot configuration " "and the current configuration."), help=_("Show the differences between boot configurations")) diff_cmd.add_argument( "left", nargs="?", default=Current, help=_( "The boot configuration to compare from, or the current " "configuration if omitted") ).completer = self._complete_diff_left diff_cmd.add_argument( "right", help=_("The boot configuration to compare against") ).completer = self._complete_diff_right Output.add_style_arg(diff_cmd) diff_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_diff) show_cmd = commands.add_parser( "show", aliases=["cat"], description=_( "Display the specified stored boot configuration, or the " "sub-set of its settings that match the specified " "pattern."), help=_("Show the specified stored configuration")) show_cmd.add_argument( "name", help=_("The name of the boot configuration to display") ).completer = self._complete_show_name show_cmd.add_argument( "vars", nargs="?", metavar="pattern", help=_( "If specified, only displays settings with names that " "match the specified pattern which may include shell " "globbing characters (e.g. *, ?, and simple [classes])") ).completer = self._complete_show_vars show_cmd.add_argument( "-a", "--all", action="store_true", help=_( "Include all settings, regardless of modification, in " "the output; by default, only settings which have been " "modified are included")) Output.add_style_arg(show_cmd) show_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_show) ls_cmd = commands.add_parser( "list", aliases=["ls"], description=_("List all stored boot configurations."), help=_("List the stored boot configurations")) Output.add_style_arg(ls_cmd) ls_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_list) rm_cmd = commands.add_parser( "remove", aliases=["rm"], description=_("Remove a stored boot configuration."), help=_("Remove a stored boot configuration")) rm_cmd.add_argument( "name", help=_("The name of the boot configuration to remove") ).completer = self._complete_remove_name rm_cmd.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help=_( "Ignore errors if the named configuration does not exist")) rm_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_remove) mv_cmd = commands.add_parser( "rename", aliases=["mv"], description=_("Rename a stored boot configuration."), help=_("Rename a stored boot configuration")) mv_cmd.add_argument( "name", help=_("The name of the boot configuration to rename") ).completer = self._complete_rename_name mv_cmd.add_argument( "to", help=_("The new name of the boot configuration") ).completer = self._complete_rename_to mv_cmd.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help=_( "Overwrite the target configuration, if it exists")) mv_cmd.set_defaults(func=self.do_rename) return parser, commands.choices
[docs] @staticmethod def invalid_config(*exc): """ Generates the error message for unhandled :exc:`~pibootctl.exc.InvalidConfiguration` exceptions. These are caused when a configuration fails to validate, and have an :attr:`~pibootctl.exc.InvalidConfiguration.errors` attribute listing all the exceptions that occurred during validation. """ msg = sys.excepthook.exc_message(*exc) for error in exc[1].errors.values(): msg.extend(sys.excepthook.exc_message(type(error), error, None)) return msg
[docs] @staticmethod def overridden_config(*exc): """ Generates the error message for unhandled :exc:`~pibootctl.exc.IneffectiveConfiguration` exceptions. These are caused when a boot configuration is split across multiple files; the application is permitted to modify a file before the final one, but a later file overrides a value the application has tried to set in the file it is permitted to modify. """ msg = sys.excepthook.exc_message(*exc) for expected, actual in exc[1].diff: if expected is None and actual is not None: template = _( "{} appears unexpectedly as {actual.value} in " "the generated configuration; please report this bug") elif expected is not None and actual is None: if expected.lines: template = _( "{} is not set in the generated " "configuration although it was set in " "{expected.lines[0].filename} line " "{expected.lines[0].linenum}; please report this bug") else: template = _( "{} is not set in the generated " "configuration; please report this bug") elif actual.lines: template = _( "Expected {} to be {expected.value}, but was " "{actual.value} after being overridden by " "{actual.lines[0].filename} line {actual.lines[0].linenum}") else: template = _( "Expected {} to be {expected.value}, but was " "{actual.value} with no valid lines; this usually means " "a setting like start_x or gpu_mem is in a file other " "than config.txt") msg.append(template.format(expected=expected, actual=actual)) return msg
[docs] @staticmethod def permission_error(*exc): """ Generates the error message for unhandled :exc:`PermissionError` exceptions. As these are very likely to be caused by non-root execution, this is customzied to warn about this in the event that the effective UID is not 0. """ msg = sys.excepthook.exc_message(*exc) if os.geteuid() != 0: msg.append(_( "You need root permissions to modify the boot configuration or " "stored boot configurations")) return msg
def _complete_configs(self, prefix): for config in if config is not Current and config is not Default: if config.startswith(prefix): yield config def _complete_settings(self, prefix, config_key): for setting in[config_key].settings: if setting.startswith(prefix): yield setting
[docs] def do_help(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`help` command. """ default =[Default].settings if 'cmd' in self._args and self._args.cmd is not None: if self._args.cmd in default: self._output.dump_setting(default[self._args.cmd], file=sys.stdout) raise SystemExit(0) if '.' in self._args.cmd: # TODO Mis-spelled setting; use something like levenshtein to # detect "close" but incorrect setting names raise ValueError(_( 'Unknown setting "{self._args.cmd}"').format(self=self)) if '_' in self._args.cmd: # Old-style command commands = [ setting for setting in default.values() if isinstance(setting, Command) and self._args.cmd in setting.commands ] if len(commands) == 0: raise ValueError(_( 'Unknown command "{self._args.cmd}"').format(self=self)) if len(commands) == 1: self._output.dump_setting(commands[0], file=sys.stdout) else: print(_( '{self._args.cmd} is affected by the following ' 'settings:\n\n' '{settings}').format( self=self, settings='\n'.join( for setting in commands))) raise SystemExit(0) self.parser.parse_args([self._args.cmd, '-h']) else: self.parser.parse_args(['-h'])
def _complete_help(self, prefix, **kwargs): for command in self.commands: if command.startswith(prefix): yield command yield from self._complete_settings(prefix, Default)
[docs] def do_status(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`status` command. """ = Current self.do_show()
def _complete_status(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_settings(prefix, Current)
[docs] def do_show(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`show` command. """ settings =[].settings if self._args.vars: settings = settings.filter(self._args.vars) if not self._args.all: settings = settings.modified() self._output.dump_settings(settings, file=sys.stdout, mod_only=not self._args.all)
def _complete_show_name(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_configs(prefix) def _complete_show_vars(self, prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_settings(prefix,
[docs] def do_get(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`get` command. """ current =[Current] if len(self._args.get_vars) == 1: try: print(self._output.format_value( current.settings[self._args.get_vars[0]].value)) except KeyError: raise ValueError(_( 'unknown setting: {}').format(self._args.get_vars[0])) else: settings = {} for var in self._args.get_vars: try: settings[var] = current.settings[var] except KeyError: raise ValueError(_('unknown setting: {}').format(var)) self._output.dump_settings(settings, file=sys.stdout)
def _complete_get_vars(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_settings(prefix, Current)
[docs] def do_set(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`set` command. """ mutable =[Current].mutable() if == 'user': settings = {} for var in self._args.set_vars: if not '=' in var: raise ValueError(_('expected "=" in {}').format(var)) name, value = var.split('=', 1) settings[name] = UserStr(value) else: settings = self._output.load_settings(sys.stdin) context = { 'all': lambda: BootConditions(), 'model': lambda: BootConditions(pi=get_board_type()), 'serial': lambda: BootConditions(serial=get_board_serial()), 'display': lambda: BootConditions(display=get_display_id()), }[self._args.context]() mutable.update(settings, context) self.backup_if_needed()[Current] = mutable self.mark_reboot_required()
def _complete_set_vars(self, prefix, **kwargs): if '=' not in prefix: for setting in self._complete_settings(prefix, Current): yield setting + '='
[docs] def do_save(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`save` command. """ try:[] =[Current] except FileExistsError: if not self._args.force: raise del[][] =[Current]
def _complete_save_name(self, prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs): if parsed_args.force: yield from self._complete_configs(prefix)
[docs] def do_load(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`load` command. """ # Look up the config to load before we do any backups, just in case the # user's made a mistake and the config doesn't exist to_load =[] self.backup_if_needed()[Current] = to_load self.mark_reboot_required()
def _complete_load_name(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_configs(prefix)
[docs] def do_diff(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`diff` command. """ # Keep references to the settings lying around while we dump the diff # as otherwise the settings lose their weak-ref during the dump left =[self._args.left].settings right =[self._args.right].settings self._output.dump_diff( self._args.left, self._args.right, left.diff(right), file=sys.stdout)
def _complete_diff_left(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_configs(prefix) def _complete_diff_right(self, prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs): for name in self._complete_configs(prefix): if name != parsed_args.left: yield name
[docs] def do_list(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`list` command. """ current =[Current] table = [ (key, value.hash == current.hash, value.timestamp) for key, value in if key not in (Current, Default) ] self._output.dump_store(table, file=sys.stdout)
[docs] def do_remove(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`remove` command. """ try: del[] except KeyError: if not self._args.force: raise FileNotFoundError(_( 'unknown configuration {}').format(
def _complete_remove_name(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_configs(prefix)
[docs] def do_rename(self): """ Implementation of the :doc:`rename` command. """ try:[] =[] except FileExistsError: if not self._args.force: raise del[][] =[] del[]
def _complete_rename_name(self, prefix, **kwargs): yield from self._complete_configs(prefix) def _complete_rename_to(self, prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs): if parsed_args.force: for name in self._complete_configs(prefix): if name != yield name
[docs] def backup_if_needed(self): """ Tests whether the active boot configuration is also present in the store (by checking for the calculated hash). If it isn't, constructs a unique filename (backup-<timestamp>) and saves a copy of the active boot configuration under it. """ if self.config.backup and self._args.backup and not name = 'backup-{now:%Y%m%d-%H%M%S}'.format( suffix = 0 while True: try:[name] =[Current] except FileExistsError: # Pi's clocks can be very wrong when there's no network; # this just exists to guarantee that we won't try and # clobber an existing backup suffix += 1 name = 'backup-{now:%Y%m%d-%H%M%S}-{suffix}'.format(, suffix=suffix) else: print(_( 'Backed up current configuration in {name}').format( name=name), file=sys.stderr) break
[docs] def mark_reboot_required(self): """ Writes the necessary files to indicate that the system requires a reboot. """ if self.config.reboot_required: with, 'w') as f: f.write('*** ') f.write(_('System restart required')) f.write(' ***\n') if self.config.reboot_required_pkgs and self.config.package_name: with, 'a') as f: f.write(self.config.package_name) f.write('\n')
main = Application()