

pibootctl load [-h] [--no-backup] name


Overwrite the current boot configuration with a stored one.



The name of the boot configuration to restore

-h, --help

Show a brief help page for the command.


Don’t take an automatic backup of the current boot configuration if one doesn’t exist


The load command is used to replace the current boot configuration with one previously stored. Effectively this simply unpacks the PKZIP of the stored boot configuration into the boot partition, overwriting existing files.

If the current boot configuration has not been stored (with the save command), an automatically named backup will be saved first:

$ sudo pibootctl save default
$ sudo pibootctl set video.hdmi0.group=1 video.hdmi0.mode=4
$ sudo pibootctl load default
Backed up current configuration in backup-20200310-095646

This can be avoided with the --no-backup option.


The command is written to guarantee that no files will ever be left half-written (files are unpacked to a temporary filename then atomically moved into their final location overwriting any existing file).

However, the utility cannot guarantee that in the event of an error, the configuration as a whole is not half-written (i.e. that one or more files failed to unpack). In other words, in the event of failure you cannot assume that the boot configuration is consistent.